An unprotected computer is like a bank without security. Thieves can easily loot money and valuable properties kept in it. The unprotected computer is easily vulnerable to attacks by several malicious software. Every year hundreds of malicious software like viruses, spyware, trojan etc are released into the cyberspace. Some people not even realize that malware is every where and avoiding infection by malware is a very difficult task. Sometimes they won't realize that they have became of a malware attack. There are several malwares roaming t

hrought the internet. Most of them are spywares. The viruses are made by skilled and experienced programmers around the world. Some malwares are meant to destroy your computer or your reputation. More than eighty percent of the computers around the world are infected by malwares. These malwares are also domonated by the spywares.
Spywares are application that are installed in our computer pretending to be some useful program. The spyware are commonly installed in browsers and can read the username and the password we enter to access our accounts. There is another type of malware called rootkits. They are created by hackers for accessing your computer without your knowledge for some illegal activities. You may be blamed for the action performed by the hacker using the rootkit installed in your computer. For protecting the system from the hazards of malwares we have to install a proper AntiVirus softwares.
Things to be taken in to care while choosing an AntiVirus There are different antiviruses available in the market. These antiviruses has its own advantages and limitations as they are produced by different companies. AntiViruses are available for different plateforms and requirements. Care should be taken in choosing the antivirus. Some useful tips in choosing the antivirus softwares are given below:
- Capability of detecting malwares:
The capability of detecting alwares mostly depends on the database of the antivirus. If the database is large, it can detects more malwares. The database contains the codes of malwares. So as the number of entries increases, the size of the database increases and the software can detect more malwares.
- Capability of cleaning or isolating the infected files:

Most of the antiviruses available today includes the capability of cleaning the infected files. If cleaning cannot be performed then the infected files are isolated. The capability of cleaning is different for different antivirses. Most of them cannot clean the infected file effectively. However they can effectively isolate the infected file. But this may result in the data loss or the malfunctioning of the some useful programs. So a powerful antivirus which has the caoability of cleaning the file has to be used.
Most of the antiviruses have very good graphical user interface. This allows the user to u

se the antivirus in the most effective way. He can exploit the antivirus to its maximum. Good user interface allows a person who has less knowledge about the computer to use the software effectively.
- Availability of the updates:
Updating an antivirus is a very important thing to be taken care of. Most of the people think that there is not much use in updating the antivirus. Updating enables the antivirus software to detect new viruses. During updating the codes of the new viruses are entered into the database of the antivirus. So check for the availability of the updates. Most of the antiviruses provides updates periodically.
- Refer the sites cintainig AntiVirus reviews:

These sites helps to choose the antiviruses according to our needs. They lists the advantages and limitaions of different antiviruses. I have given some of the sites below:
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