Since the most commonly used operating system is WINDOWS, the systems running on windows are more subjected to virus attacks. Some of the common symptoms of virus infection are given below:
- Disabling of the windows applications like Task Manager, Registry Edit, Folder Options etc. Since these applications point out the user about their existence and can be removed by the user easily with the help of these application. some viruses try to disable these applications.
- You may see .exe files having the icon of folder and having the name of the containing folder. The most commonly seen name is new folder. The user being unknown of this virus tries to open it and the virus starts its job. Its working can be stopped by going to the task manager->processes->(name of the virus)->end process. This will stops the virus temporarily, not permanently.
- Computer stops or restart responding when try to use certain softwares. This is because the virus may delete some of the files required by the software for its working. This will lead the system to an unknown state or a crash.
- When you open certains emails with strange attachments, suddenly dialog boxes appear and your system performance will degrade suddenly.
- The presence of the files havind double extension like .gif.exe, .avi.vbs, etc
- The uninstalling of the antivirus software or the disabling of the antivirus software.
- Strange pop ups and notifications appear alerting you about the system security.
- Your friends receving infected mail from you.
- Unexpected sounds from the speakers while playing media player. Flickering of the visual display.
- Certain applications dissappear from your computer without your knowledge.
- Windows will start normally, but becomes not responding while operating.
- Windows does not boot displaying messages about the missing files. The files may be deleted by the viruses.
- Low memory message displays even though you have plenty of RAM remainig unused.
- You system became running at very low speed consuming more memory
and processor's processing power.
- Disappearing of a partition.
- Cannot install new programs correctly.
- Windows restarts unexpectedly.
The above mentioned things need not be a symptiom of virus infection. Some other problems related to both software and hardware also shows some of the above symptoms. So judgement must be done carefully.
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