Real Time Protection is one of the features provided by most of the anti viruses. On-access scanning, background guard, resident shield, autoprotect are the other terms that represent real time protection. The term real time protection refers to the feature of the anti malware programs that monitors all the files in the system as well as the data coming into the computer from the internet. It also scans the files in the memory. If any change in the file or the data coming to the computer is found suspicious, then it will be reported to the user. If necessary the user can consult the recommendations from the experts by submitting the suspicious files to the anti malware manufacturer. The real time protection monitors the changes made in the files located in the hard drives and memory and also the data flowing to the computer from the internet while browsing checking emails and also when downloading files. Real time protection also includes monitoring the removable drives like CD, floppy, pen drives etc. In short the real time protection enables even the beginner to use the computer safely without even having the basic knowledge related to security issues.
Most real-time protection systems hook certain API functions provided by the operating system in order to scan files in real-time. For example, on Microsoft Windows, an antivirus program may hook the CreateProcess API function which executes programs. It can then scan programs which are about to be executed for malicious software. If malicious software is found, the antivirus program can block execution and inform the user.
Avast, Avira, Comodo Internet Security are some of the programs with real time protection. It is recommended to use an antivirus with real time protection so that malware can be blocked before it infects the PC. If viruses like Sality infects the PC, the whole security of the computer will be compromised. So it is better to prevent it before entering the system.